What Does BRB Mean In Texting?

If someone texted you or just heard somewhere people using BRB and now you are wondering what does BRB mean. Then you are in the right place. Nowadays, people widely use BRB as a short form of Be Right Back in social media and text conversations.


The use of “BRB” in texting typically conveys a neutral or practical emotion. It’s a straightforward and common way to inform someone that you’ll be momentarily away from the conversation or activity, without attaching any particular emotional tone to the message. It’s more of a functional communication indicating a temporary absence, rather than expressing a specific sentiment.

Social Media, Text, and Internet Use

Audience Appropriateness

Real-life Examples and Quick Replays

Lex: Time for a quick lunch break, BRB in 20 minutes!

Goil: Enjoy your break.
Lily: Just got a call, need to take it, BRB!

Andy: No problem, take your call.
Emma: Running low on caffeine, making coffee, BRB!

Tony: Take your time, Emma.
Charlie: Need to grab a file from the printer, BRB!

Assistant: Sure, Charlie. Go ahead. I'll be here when you're back with the document.
Kaila: Emergency email, need to respond ASAP, BRB!

Morgan: Absolutely, handle the email. I'll be here when you get back.

Other Meanings


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Text Flock

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